A bit of history
  As an admin of Ethernet network with Windows 98 boxes, I liked WINIPCFG application, handy for reading of network adapter parameters and to renew the lease of DHCP-assigned address.
  Unfortunately, in Windows XP, this nice application refused to cooperate, but there was the other one with similar functions, named WNTIPCFG.
  The joy did not last long, because in Windows 7 none of the above does work, and I couldn't find another similar tool.
  In such conditions, there was nothing left except of write the application from scratch. It is much simpler, showing only the name of the network card, MAC and IP addresses, and allows to renew the lease, but it works in any of the above systems.
Installation & details
  This application does not use Windows registry thus it doesn't require installation. Just drop the executable file anywhere you wish and use it. In particular, the pendrive is a good kind of "anywhere". For those who choose simple and organized living, the installable version is supplied.
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